Today’s guest post comes to us from Jennifer Rossi. Windows can have a huge impact on the style, comfort and energy-efficiency of our homes. Read on to learn more about the benefits of installing casement windows in your home.… Continue Reading
Today’s guest post comes to us from Jennifer Rossi. Windows can have a huge impact on the style, comfort and energy-efficiency of our homes. Read on to learn more about the benefits of installing casement windows in your home.… Continue Reading
Cultured stone, manufactured stone, stone veneer – so many options for your home, but what’s the difference among them? Read on to find out… Pin It… Continue Reading
Pin ItOnce upon a time, the only fabrics rated for outdoor use came in about three colors (beige, burgundy and forest green) or tropical patterns (which aren’t terribly useful when you live in the Midwest), and typically weren’t readily available by-the-yard. However, bold colors and wild patterns have become the norm, giving homeowners many options for… Continue Reading… Continue Reading
Pin ItIt’s amazing what seemingly small changes can do to the front of a home. Take, for example, this set of before and after pics. Pin It… Continue Reading
Pin ItI have many years of experience in new construction projects, which have me selecting exterior finishes for all the homes I work on. A client who hired me several years ago to help her with the interior of her home several years ago, recently asked my advice for the update of the exterior of her… Continue Reading… Continue Reading
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