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Before and After:  Exterior Home Updates

Before and After: Exterior Home Updates

I have many years of experience in new construction projects, which have me selecting exterior finishes for all the homes I work on.  A client who hired me several years ago to help her with the interior of her home several years ago, recently asked my advice for the update of the exterior of her home.  These photos reveal the transformation.

Home exterior before photo

This home is located in a neighborhood that was built in the 1970s and 1980s.  Many of the homes were built by the same building company, resulting in a neighborhood where any of the houses look very similar – split level and a little dated.

My client needed new windows, which started the snowball rolling.  The roof was fairly new, but she wanted advice on whether to replace the siding, add stone, replace doors and add trim.  She also needed help with landscaping and patio space.  The large pine tree at the right of the photo was HUGE and overgrown, resulting in a dark family room in the shade of its branches.

After an evaluation by the contractor, it was determined that most of her siding was in good shape, aside from a few cracked pieces on the side.  We decided to remove the siding from the upper level and use it to replace the cracked pieces on the other side of the home.  The addition of manufactured stone and shakes, an expanded front patio space, a new front door, a new garage door and new landscaping made this home look fresh and brought it out of the 70s.

home exterior after

Choosing a shake and stone color was tricky, due to the reddish shingle color on the roof.  The white trim makes the details stand out from the street and the new patio in the front gives the homeowner a place to relax in the evening.  The removal of the giant pine tree did wonders to open the entire corner lot and allows more light to flood the family room on the main level.

Even if you feel your home is hopelessly lost in decades past, it can be brought into the 21st Century.  A careful combination of materials made this 70s home fresh and ready for another 40 years.

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