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Made in USA – Where to Buy

Hello, everyone! As you can see, I took a sizeable amount of time away from this website. Since I last posted, I had 2 – yes 2! – babies! So, with 2 teens and 2 toddlers in our household currently, life has been a little bit crazy. So, my apologies for not posting any new articles, products or info recently. But, my hope is to get back to it and offer some new content and answer new questions more often.

We are also now quarantined at home, under a safer-at-home order in my state. During this time, as a silver lining, there is been a resurgence in interest in buying products that are made in America, and supporting small businesses in our local areas. This is wonderful! I have written previously on buying American-made items for your homes, and it is even more important now. You can find my previous articles here and here. I’m hopeful the companies I mentioned then are still making their items in America – and are still in business!

Room and Board

I also found another source for finding all things Made in America, and I wanted to share it with you here. This website has lists for not only home decor and furniture, but just about anything you could need for your home, garage, outdoor living, kitchen and more. Do your own research, certainly, before buying, but this list could be a great starting point. And, you may find tons of products ande companies you have never heard of before! Happy shopping!

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