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Before & After:  Time Out Chair

Before & After: Time Out Chair

A coat of paint and some scrapbook paper transformed a drab chair into a “Time Out” chair too cute to use…

I found this single child-size chair at a garage sale for a few bucks.  It was cute, but definitely needed some work.

time out chair before

I debated about what I wanted to do with it, and I ultimately decided to simply paint it with fresh, white paint.  So, I sanded it down a bit, wiped off the dust, primed it and painted it with 2 coats of white semi-gloss paint.  It still seemed like it needed a little more pizzazz, so I decided to turn it into a “Time Out” chair.  Parents:  you know what I’m talking about…  🙂  I simply printed out the letters of the phrase using the Arial font in my word processing program, then cut them out of scrapbook paper in various colors.  Using Mod Podge, I adhered them to the back of the chair, then added a heart for good measure.  I sealed the letters with another couple coats of Mod Podge, and voila!  Cute, right?

time out chair after

Even a single chair without a mate can be cute and useful.  This one will brighten up any space.  Hopefully, this one will find a good home…I will be bringing it to my shop this week to wait for a family of its own.


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