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Before and After:  Master Bath Valance

Before and After: Master Bath Valance

You may not think of putting a valance on your bathroom window.  But, this set of before and after photos may just change your mind…

This master bathroom is perfectly lovely on its own.  The restful blue hue on the walls, neutral tile and rich woven wood Roman shades contrast nicely with the crisp white trim.  Bathrooms are notoriously “hard,” though – hard tile, hard walls, hard floors, hard countertop, hard, hard, hard.  Other than rugs and towels, there are few ways to brings softness into a bathroom – unless you have a naked window.

master bath before valance

A simple valance is just the softening touch needed to bring this bathroom to life.  The fabric is nearly the same color as the walls, which keeps the valance from overpowering the space.  Created in a casual French pick-up style, this valance adds quiet sophistication – and a bit of femininity – to the room.

master bath after valance

Don’t forget your bathroom when planning your window treatments.  These spaces need extra softness for that final, cozy, finishing touch.

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