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Shop the Robert Allen Outlet for Designer Fabric at a Discount

Shop the Robert Allen Outlet for Designer Fabric at a Discount

If you love fabric as much as I do, you are always looking for ways to save money on your next fabric purchases.  Have I got a website for you!  This resource is not well-known outside of the design community, but I’m going to share it with you.

Check out the Robert Allen Outlet!  Robert Allen Design offers an array of designer fabrics, and most are not available unless you purchase them through a designer.  But, as new fabrics are introduced, older patterns are discontinued – and sent to the outlet site.

Robert Allen Striped Fabric

Examples of fabrics you may find at the outlet

Floral Fabric

You will find some amazing deals here, but the best patterns will move quickly.  Be sure to check it out on a regular basis to find fabrics that will work for your next projects!


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One Response to Shop the Robert Allen Outlet for Designer Fabric at a Discount

  1. […] will find more about the Robert Allen fabric outlet in a previous article, found here.  What will you be making with your fabric […]

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