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Create a Fresh Home Decor For Spring

Create a Fresh Home Decor For Spring

With spring upon us, and the drab days of winter behind us, many folks are looking for ways to freshen up their home decor.  While a major redecorating project may be out of the question, there are ways to lighten up your decor for the warmer months.

    • Consider removing that cozy area rugduring the spring and summer.  While it may keep your room feeling toasty and inviting during the winter months, it may feel overly heavy during the heat of summer.  If you still want a rug in the room, consider trading your heavy tufted wool rug for a lighter cotton woven rug.  This will allow you to keep the color, texture and pattern in the room while creating a lighter atmosphere.  A rug like the one below from Pottery Barn would be a great choice for spring decorating.

      Pottery Barn Flatwoven Rug

      Flatwoven Rug from Pottery Barn

    • Heavy draperies can be replaced with light and airy sheers during warmer months for a breezy feel.  Often, the same drapery hardware can be utilized, which will save you tons of money in the process.  Simply remove the drapery panels and slip on the sheers.
    • Add a punch of springtime color by adding a new decorative pillow or two to your space.  Pillows like this one from Pier One are an affordable way to bring trendy, bright hues into a room without breaking the bank.
    • Rearrange your decorative accessories.  While you may not want to purchase all new items, simply moving what you already have will give the room a fresh and new feeling.
    • Add flowers; because, really, fresh flowers breathe life into any room.
    • Buy a new piece of art.  Find something in the brighter colors of spring, and replace the piece on your mantle or wall to create a new focal point.  How about this beachy scene from Art.com?
Buy at Art.com
The Surf
  • If you are up for a little more work, and a lot more commitment, paint a wall or two!  A fresh coat of paint makes any space feel brand new.  Look to your rug, fabrics or artwork for color inspiration.

Enjoy the warmer days of spring; happy decorating!

Disclosure:  Clicking on one or more links in this article may result in a commission for A Little Design Help at no additional cost to you.

2 Responses to Create a Fresh Home Decor For Spring

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    • Teri says:

      The RSS feed does not work in the Google Chrome browser, unfortunately, but you can access it with another internet browser. Thanks for visiting the site!

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