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What Americans Want at Home

What Americans Want at Home

Have you ever stopped to think about what you want out of your home?  I mean REALLY want?  Do you want to have the most expensive or the largest home on your block?  The most colorful?  I found an interesting article that shows Americans aren’t really interested in the biggest or the best…

According to a study done by Swedish retailer IKEA, Americans are most interested in creating a comfortable home – above all else.  You can read more about the study here.

living room color

What do you think?  Did IKEA get it right?  I think I’d have to agree with them…my clients always want a warm, welcoming, cozy home.  They don’t necessarily need the biggest home or the most expensive, but they want something they are comfortable in, and a home their guests can feel comfortable in.  What are your thoughts?

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