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Guest Post:  4 Ways to Deal With Empty Wall Space

Guest Post: 4 Ways to Deal With Empty Wall Space

Have you stared at your empty walls for years, unsure of how to fill them? In today’s guest post, Edward Stuart shares 4 ways to fill up that empty space with style!

Do you have one of those walls that you just can’t decide what to do with? You tried hanging your tiki mask on it, and your hand-woven wall hanging, but somehow it’s just not clicking. Here are a few of my favorite ideas for turning a problem wall into a perfect matching piece in your décor.

Removable Chalkboard Wallpaper

If you’ve been digging through Pinterest much over the last year you’ll certainly have seen a picture of this brilliant idea. It allows you to simply paste flexible chalkboard wallpaper directly onto your wall. Leave messages for your family or roommates or draw elaborate chalk murals. This is an excellent choice if you don’t like having the same thing on your wall every day because you can easily just draw something different on the wall. Even better, if you live in an apartment and aren’t technically allowed to do that type of thing, it’s removable. That means you can get it off without having to scrape every sliver off of the wall manually when you leave.  This look can also be achieved with chalkboard paint for a more permanent option.

chalkboard wallpaper

Photo courtesy of Sharyn Morrow


If you’re a little bit indecisive or you just don’t like looking at the same thing all the time then hanging up some canvas is for you. Though it sounds kind of lame and cliché, paintings have one major advantage over their competition, and that’s logistics. Hanging something on a wall by a nail or two rather than gluing is uniquely convenient because it means that you can hang different art seasonally without any extra effort. Frame some art to hang for various occasions like your birthday, major holidays, or just to reflect the time of year or your mood. Besides being variable it’s also classic and tasteful, and is probably the most “respectable” choice you can make as far as your grandmother is concerned.

Fabric Wall Hangings

If you haven’t considered a wall hanging, then you’ve never really thought about it. Wall hangings are uniquely useful as décor, especially if your house is large, or poorly insulated. It’ll dull the sound inside your space, removing any unwanted echoing, and it will hold in warmth considerably better than your bare walls, which would otherwise leach the heat out quickly if your insulation isn’t up to par. This isn’t so much because they’re so thick and well-insulating on their own; they just prevent circulating air from reaching your cold walls as much.

moss wall

Photo courtesy of webponce

Moss Wall

If you’re extraordinarily lucky then the wall you’re looking to decorate is bare brick, whether it be an accent wall or just a really old house. This opens you up to my favorite option on this list, which is painted moss. Grab a pencil or other writing utensil and trace out a design, or some writing onto your wall. Then find yourself some moss and throw it in a blender with some plain yogurt. The proportions aren’t terribly important as long as the mixture is soupy enough to be paintable and contains enough moss to be visibly thickened. Grab a brush and fill out the lines with you mixture, and then grab a spray bottle and mist it down a few times a day. After a few weeks you’ll have moss growing on your wall in the shape of the design that you painted on it!

Edward Stuart is an art and decoration enthusiast as well as an online publisher for Canvas Art. He frequently blogs on the topics of art, art history, design, and home decor.

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One Response to Guest Post: 4 Ways to Deal With Empty Wall Space

  1. Can photographs really inspire our kids today?

    The question is , does having a simple picture hanging on our walls as we grow up, inspire us to strive and achieve in today’s high climbing society? Can we really learn to keep our goals and hold onto that ambition, just because a photograph is there to remind us?

    The answer is, yes. visual repetition can work. Today more than ever , we tackle obesity, discrimination and recession, grabbing something positive from a picture of someone who’s conquered their goals (big or small) is most certainly inspirational on a variety of levels.

    Being active
    Getting your child to motivate themselves and stay fit and active can be easier than you think, by joining a group and getting involved , you can simulate your child’s inner active self , whilst boosting their confidence and giving them a goal.

    Having a picture of Andy Murray on your bedroom wall, can remind your child to keep going , to try and try again, help give them an unshakeable belief that they can achieve – whether it’s in their ‘makeup’ or genes – creating an inbuilt ability to feel and think the philosophy – ‘inspire and be inspired’.

    Purchase an image, framed, canvas or print and display the ambition , inspiring thoughts through imagery – when tears flow into a pillow or feet leap for delight- it will be hanging stimulating – may wish to use another word as it can be easily misconstrued – your child to remember goals and focus on what they could achieve – reach high, reach low, smash the net , run the distance and win the game.

    Visual repetition is a wonderful tool and used by many, think about it at.

    Make the move
    With obesity and malnutrition growing on all sides of the globe, activity of the body and mind is crucial, perseverance is rife and to get somewhere in this world, you simply need to have the right attitude and the right tools. Where you get them from is easier than you think, visit http://sportsphotogallery.com/ and inspire your child today.

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