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Buying a Stove:  Tips For Choosing the Right One

Buying a Stove: Tips For Choosing the Right One

Buying appliances can seem like such an ordeal.  There are so many options to choose from!  I just found a great blog post offering a few tips on what to look for when buying a stove or range. 

The folks at Warner’s Stellian, an appliance store chain in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, offered a quick overview about the features currently available on ranges and stoves, and the differences between cooking with gas, electric and induction cooktops and ovens.

oven range


Before you buy a new range, take a peek and learn a bit more about the features you may want in your next stove.

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2 Responses to Buying a Stove: Tips For Choosing the Right One

  1. Julie Warner says:

    Thanks for the link!

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