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Before & After:  Office Makeover

Before & After: Office Makeover

Over the past year, I’ve been working with a local massage therapist who was looking for a change in her office and treatment room.  Check out the before and after photos to see what a difference some small changes can make!

My client’s office is located in one half of an old home, so it already had some nice light and architectural detail, including a brick fireplace.  But, the space was cluttered and contained a hodge-podge of mismatched furniture and accessories.  The paint color in the entry was warm, but the furniture didn’t make sense…

clinic entry


treatment room

treatment room

She asked me to help her create a space that was welcoming to her clients, warm and inviting, but one that wouldn’t cost an arm and a leg to create.  And, since she is renting her suite, we didn’t want to make major changes to the structure of the space.  This is the result…

Instead of just a few diplomas hung on the wall near the door, we created a grouping of them with a large piece of artwork to make them a focal point in the entry.  The custom-made bench was a bit of a splurge, but offers guests a place to wait.  The largest wall in the room now has something to say!

entry after

In the treatment room, a few furniture additions helped her eliminate the clutter from the space.  She wanted this room to be tranquil for her clients, yet she does have a certain number of tools she needs readily available to her during a treatment session.  Some storage pieces allow her to stash them away, yet have them handy when needed.

treatment after

We didn’t eliminate everything she already had…we just rearranged them and added a few new pieces to tie colors and textures together.

treatment after

The window treatments stayed, and we found furniture to work with the existing color scheme.  A big change on a small budget!

entry after

So, what do you think?  Did we achieve her goal of warm, inviting and uncluttered?  I think so…and, she loves it!  Thankfully, her clients do, too.

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