Until I saw this graphic recently, I had no idea that every glass tile wasn’t essentially the same. I did notice, however, that the price of glass tiles can vary wildly. Now I know why.… Continue Reading
Pin ItUntil I saw this graphic recently, I had no idea that every glass tile wasn’t essentially the same. I did notice, however, that the price of glass tiles can vary wildly. Now I know why.… Continue Reading
Pin ItChoosing a piece of upholstered furniture can certainly be a challenge. Finding a quality piece, in a style you like, and in the right fabric can seem to be a never-ending quest! Read on for some things to think about before you buy your next sofa… Pin It… Continue Reading
Pin ItDuring my career as a designer, I have had clients who purchase ceramic or stone tile from discount or home improvement stores, rather than from shops dedicated to tile. The prices at these big box retailers are sometimes a fraction of those at tile shops. The tile is the same, right? Not so fast… Pin… Continue Reading… Continue Reading
Pin ItShopping for furniture can quickly become overwhelming if you are not armed with the information you need to choose the best pieces for your home and budget. Knowing what to look for in quality furniture will help you get the most for your decorating dollars. Pin It… Continue Reading
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