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Repurposed Christmas Decor Part 3:  More Snowy Scenes

Repurposed Christmas Decor Part 3: More Snowy Scenes

I just had to post a quick pic of a couple more snowy scenes I created for the Christmas season…

I found these Ikea glass jars at a local thrift shop, and hot-glued a tree and a figure or 2 in each one.  One is a retro-look wood ornament, and the other features Dr. Suess’ Thing 1 and Thing 2.  Dr. Suess is one of my all-time favorite author/illustrators, so it was fun to feature these ornaments.  Add in a bit of fake snow, and that’s it!  Give them a try with some ornaments from your Christmas stash…they are so fun to make!

snow globe DIY

dr suess snow globe

retro look snow globe

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