Hello, everyone – it’s time for your chance at FREE interior design advice…Welcome to the weekly Design Dialogue!
Every Thursday, I offer you a chance to ask design questions and get some answers. Whether you need advice on a paint color, help with a room layout or suggestions for window treatments, this is a great place to get some free design advice – just in time for those weekend projects. Free design advice! Or, if you want to chat about design trends, the newest colors on the market or that great piece of furniture you saw last week, this is the place. If you spot any great deals on home decor, feel free to share them here, as well.
So, let’s get started! Leave your questions and thoughts in the comments below. I’ll be checking in throughout the day to offer advice and answer questions; you are also invited to answer questions posed by your fellow readers. Let’s get this conversation started!
Do you have any helpful guidelines/ tips you give your clients when it comes to mixing styles in their house? (Ie. Mixing contemporary with traditional)
Hello! I love to mix a variety of styles in a home – I just think design is more interesting when it contains items from different eras. It’s a rare home that needs to be completely historically accurate. Most people collect their home decor over time, and it’s always evolving, so mixing design styles just makes sense for most folks.
I think the key to successfully mixing modern pieces with more traditional items is simply to choose things you like. Never bring a piece of furniture, an accessory or a piece of artwork into your home unless you love it. Surrounding yourself with things you love is never a bad thing.
Beyond that, items should have some thread of consistency throughout a room. For example, coordinate the wood tones in your furniture for a more cohesive look (the woods don’t need to match, but should coordinate). Or, perhaps you upholster a variety of dining room chairs in the same fabric to bring them together as a set. Adding painted furniture in with stained wood furniture can also help you blend a variety of pieces into the same space.
Also, be sure that you mix the modern and traditional pieces throughout the room. Don’t place only modern accessories on top of a modern dining room buffet, for example. Instead, bring in more traditional pieces to decorate the top of a modern piece. Or, hang a modern painting over a Victorian dresser for a great juxtaposition of eras and textures.
I hope that helps!
Great advice! Thank you. 🙂
Any ideas for hiding a door you don’t actually use? We have a door to an outside balcony in our bedroom, but the balcony isn’t usable, so it’s just this ugly door with a doorknob and a couple of locks over in the corner. I don’t have any ideas myself that won’t come out looking like we’re obviously trying to hide something.
Hmmmm…that’s a tough one! If you haven’t already, you may want to paint the door with the same paint you used on your walls…that way, it will blend in and become a bit less noticeable. You could also try standing a room divider or screen in front of it to add dimension and hide the door. Or, perhaps you could add a drapery panel to cover it up? This would work especially well if you also have windows near the door…treat the windows + door as one “unit” to help hide the door and draw more attention to the windows/view nearby.
Teri, thank you, the only other thing on that wall is actually a large window so that may be a good option!
You are most welcome! Be sure to stop by again every Thursday with more questions – and bring a friend with you. 🙂